International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation University of Toronto
About Us
Purpose: To promote the equalization of opportunities for disabled people in the Philippines, within the human rights framework, through advocacy, service delivery, education, and research.
ICDR-Philippines was established in the spring of 2007. We believe in the values of mutual cooperation, partnership, respect, and strong linkages and networking in creating a united voice in addressing disability issues. Poverty and disability are closely intertwined. As a group, we believe in the power of developing a global partnership as a defining force for development. We commit ourselves as partners of disabled people and view disability beyond the impairment level. We understand that if real social development is to be realized, a critical understanding of social issues needs to be dissected at all levels. In the process, the full participation and inclusion of people with disabilities are only but necessary.

To advance the well-being and function of people of all abilities
To be a recognized leader in international disability research, education, and service
We promote the use of local expertise to facilitate the self reliance and independence of individuals and communities.
We recognize the talents and abilities of those we work with, respecting the central role of those whose lives are affected by what we do.
We strive for true partnership with those we work for and with.
Based approach: our actions promote the rights and needs of people with disabilities; we work to promote human rights, social justice, and equity for all people.
Innovation & Excellence
We encourage broad, holistic responses to the complex needs of people with disabilities and their communities. We promote an exciting, and adventurous
We welcome, respect and partner with people with diverse opinions, religions, abilities and cultures.
Organizational Structure

Partner Organizations
Association of Differently-Abled Persons Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Autism Society of the Philippines (Different Chapters)
Dumaguete Effata Association of the Deaf, Inc.
Simon of Cyrene Children’s Rehabilitation and Development Foundation,Inc.
Pedaling to Live and Green Shelter, Inc. (PLAGS)
Bethsaida CBR Services for the Disabled, Inc.
PHILCODE (Philippine Council of Organization on Disability and Empowerment)
Autism Society of the Philippines (Different Chapters)
Researchers from the University of Sto. Tomas
The Drs. Patricia Sullivan and Nancy DeMuth Project
“May K Refreshment Project”
Recipient: Association of Differently-Abled Persons Multi-Purpose Cooperative
The Dr. Susan O’Sullivan Project
“Education and empowerment and family support programs”
Recipient: Autism Society of the Philippines – Quezon City Chapter
The Carolyn Kisner Project
“Training mothers to become para-teachers of their young children with autism and related disability”
Recipient: Autism Society of the Philippines – Laguna Chapter
The Catherine Goodman Project
“Eco-friendly tote bag production”
Recipient: Dumaguete Effata Association of the Deaf, Inc.
The Dr. David Magee Project
“A situational analysis and proposed modifications of the “P4” Program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development: Towards the inclusion of Filipinos with Disabilities” Recipient: University of Santo Tomas, Ivan Gomez – Researcher
The Dr. Bahram Jam Project
“H.O.M.E. Life for YWDs (Harnessing Options for Everyday Life for Youth with Disabilities)” Recipient: Autism Society of the Philippines, Laguna Chapter
The Dr. Bahram Jam Project
“Procurement of hydrocollator unit for the Adult Wellness and Rehabilitation” Recipient: Simon of Cyrene Children’s Rehabilitation and Development Foundation,Inc.
The Dr. Andrew Gucionne Project
“Training of health and daycare workers in the identification, early detection, and rehabilitation of children with disabilities”
Recipient: Pedaling to Live and Green Shelter, Inc. (PLAGS)
The Drs. Patricia Sullivan and Nancy DeMuth Project
“Play therapy training program to help children survivors of Typhoon Yolanda”, a Research Project Recipient: Paulin Morato, MA(SpEd), OTRP (University of Santo Tomas; HK Polytechnic University)
The Dr. Carol Davies Project
“Community-based rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities” Recipient: Bethsaida CBR Services for the Disabled, Inc.
The Dr. Stephanie Nixon Project
“Creation of the PWD Career and Employment Resource Hub” Recipient: Philippine Council of Organization on Disability and Empowerment ( PHILCODE)
The Yin Brown Project
“Future Vision Home” Recipient: Future Vision Blind-Sighted, Inc.
The Marcia Dr. Rioux Project
“AutisMALL Pilipinas”
Recipient: ASP National
Dr. Pamela Levangie Project
“Translation and Equivalency of the Bicol Version of the 36-Item
Interviewer-Administered WHODAS 2.0″ (research)
Recipient: University of Sto. Tomas (UST) Jordan Barbra Nava – Researcher
Dr. Carol Davis Project
“Computer Literacy Program”
Recipient: Future Vision Blind Sighted, Inc.
The Chief Warrant Officer Michael Fuentespina Project
“Early Detection, Identification and Intervention for Children with Disabilities” Recipient: Pedaling to Live and Green Shelter, Inc. (PLAGS)
The Jaisa Sulit Project
“Community-based rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities” Recipient: Bethsaida CBR Services for the Disabled, Inc.
The Michael Serapio Project
“Service Vehicle Additional Budget”
Recipient: Bethsaida CBR Services for the Disabled Inc.
The Suen Desa Project
“Livelihood Assistance for People with Disability”
Recipient: Philippine Council of Organization on Disability and Empowerment (PHILCODE)
The Dr. Jeffrey Andrion Project
“Training on Urban Organic Vegetable Production”
Recipient: Pedaling to Live and Green Shelter, Inc. (PLAGS)

Mentoring & Networking (M & N Project)
With physiotherapist members who are participating in Ontario, The M&N Project was launched with a dual purpose: to mentor internationally-educated physiotherapists in their preparation for the national examniation and at the same time to introduce themto the world of disability and development, in particular to the works of the PWG.
R.O.P.E of Hope
R.O.P.E (Rural Outreach for the Participation and Empowerment of the Disabled), A long term rural outreach program with the goals of raising awareness in the target rural community to stress the importance of prevention and therapy in addressing impairment and teh same time to stress the human rights of disabled people, not as ” victims” bu as human beings. Working closely with community health workers (locally called barangay health workers-BHWs), these individuals shall help us in identifying disabled members of the community.

Disabled Urban Poor Project
Physiotherapists to the Disabled Urban Poor Project, a concerted effort between the PWG and teh KAAKBAY Centre and an adoption of an existing project of the latter organization. Volunteer rehabilitation professionals visit identified disabled people in poor urban communities in Davao City on a weekly basis to address impairment issues and teaching family members on various therapeutic interventions for a continmution of teh therapy.
Upcoming Event
The International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation
Philippine Working Group
The Eyes Have It:
Incorporating Oculomotor Assessment into
Differential Diagnosis

Co-Author, Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists
Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University
MAY 27, 2023 (Saturday)
8am – 4pm
JJR Macleod Auditorium (MS 2158) – University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building, 1 King’s College Cir, Toronto, ON M5S 1A8
Description of course:
Patients presenting to physical therapy now include a wider range of conditions that physical therapists need to be able to evaluate and treat as well as refer when it is appropriate. This course will focus on the evaluation of the eyes and their interconnection with the vestibular system in conditions such as concussion, central nervous system conditions such as multiple sclerosis and vestibular disorders. The course will include presentation and lab components to provide the clinician with opportunities to assess and perform examination and interventions that are evidence-based for that condition.
Objectives: At the end of the course the learner will be able to:
1. Identify differences between central nervous system disorders and peripheral vestibular conditions.
2. Demonstrate oculomotor testing prior to intervention.
3. Differentiate common vestibular disorders.
4. Differentiate between peripheral and central disorders that are within our scope to treat.
5. Establish appropriate interventions for common vestibular disorders.
6. Utilize tests and measures for common vestibular dysfunctions.
7. Identify the examination findings that suggest appropriate vestibular Rehabilitation procedures be initiated.
8. Practice appropriate interventions for common vestibular disorders.
Payments will be accepted through the EventBrite online payment sytem.
Registration rates ¹‘²
(this excludes the fees charged by EventBrite)
Up to May 26, 2023
On- site Registration(May 27, 2023) |
Flat rate
$130.00 |
$150.00 |
¹Request for refunds:
100% if requested before April 15, 2023
50% refund between April 15, 2023 – May 15, 2023
No refund after May 15, 2023
N.B. As per the policy of the University of Toronto, receipts from this event cannot be used for tax donation purposes as your payment is not a direct donation to ICDR. An acknowledgment receipt will e issued but for non-tax purposes only.
² Your payment will include snacks in the morning and afternoon, handouts, and a certificate of attendance.
Lunch will NOT be provided.
Fundaraising & Events

2019 Dinner of Hope Fundraising
Apolinario Mabini Memorial Lecturer: Ms. Jaisa Sulit, Sacred Self-Care Coach and Best Selling Author & Speaker Unveiling of the Jaisa Sulit Project, Jaisa Sulit and Juvy Alix.

2018 Dinner of Hope Fundraising
Apolinario Mabini Memorial Lecturer: Mr. Michael Fuentespina, Health Services Reserve Chief Warrant Officer Canadian Forces

2017 Dinner of Hope Fundraising
Apolinario Mabini Memorial Lecturer: Dr. Marcia Rioux, York University Distinguished Research Professor, Unveiling of teh Dr. Marcia Rioux Project, ” AutisMALL Pilipinas”

Adopt-A-Child Fundraising
Christmas 2007 at the Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre Toronto with Mark Anunciacion, Jeffrey Andrion and Cecilia Nguyen

2008 Concert Fundraising
Mikey Bustos & Martha Joy (from Canadian Idol) concert fundraising hosted
by Mike Serapio, a Toronto base journalist

Annual ICDR Symposium
Past and present Toronto-based PWG members, taken at the ICDR office, University of Toronto during meeting with Penny Parnes ( ICDR Executive Director), Summer 2007

Contact Us
equalization of opportunities for disabled people in the Philippines